Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Disputed India Holy Site to Be Divided, Court Rules" -

If someone wanted to read the full text of the court's opinion, this is not the place to find it, or to get help in finding it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"India Makes Major Shift in Policy in Kashmir" -

"Work Remains Ahead of India Games" -

Why couldn't/shouldn't The New York Times provide links here to newspapers in India and other sources related to the Games that the Times believe are credible? Such a move would add tremendously to the value that I, for one, derive from visiting this page and reading this story.

Friday, September 24, 2010

"NDMC, MCD cleaning army swoops on Games Village" - Hindustan Times

For such an important issue, I see nothing in this story that makes me want to believe this account over what I have just posted from The New York Times. Why wouldn't the Hindustan want to do a better and more comprehenisve and accurate job of reporting all aspects of this story than The New York Times?

When I searched for "sanitation commonwealth" (without any quotes) on the Hindustan Times site, here is the result: "0 results found for sanitation commonwealth". I find that really troubling.

"Sanitation Uproar in India Sparks a Controversy" -

"Chili Pepper | India Military | Army"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Food rules" -

Food safety and security are important issues in India and in the United States. There are tremendous opportunities for newspapers in both countries to collaborate and coordinate in the interest of reporting on and advocating food-related issues. There is nothing to be lost by such cooperation and perhaps something of significance to be gained.

"Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves"

What are some of the creative opportunities for newspapers in Indian to deal with an initiative such as this? Any such moves must respect editorial independence of course, but is there a larger role that newspapers could play while safeguarding that editorial independence?

This "alliance" was announced today.

"Indian Delegation, Back From Kashmir, Struggles to Break Deadlock" -

How do the newspapers of India best utilize this New York Times story? Do they believe it is accurate? If not, where are the problems? What would they add?